Saturday, May 27, 2006

No one wants to deal with water damage down in their basement. If you do your waterproofing correctly you won't have to deal with water damage in you basement. You need to install the correct drainage system before pouring your basement foundation. As well as pouring the foundation in a professional manner, you must let it set up, along with picking the right day to do it; check the forecast, if there is any chance of rain insight, delay the basement till it's clear. You want your basement as waterproof as possible. Make sure to check out the creditials of whoever you may choose to hire, IT'S A MUST. You don't want to hire someone who is inexperienced with basements just to save a buck. Pay the extra to have your basement as waterproof as possible, it will save money and a huge headache down the road.


At 5:57 AM, Blogger AAA Basement Waterproofing said...

I am a builder, and what was stated is completely correct. However, older waterproofing membranes fail due to soil acidicity and other factors. You MUST replace this membrane over time, there is a great polymer-based product from Owens Corning(Tremco) available through a number of Barrier certified contractors. Don't divert water with an interior system(they make no sense to builders/engineers/architects) waterproof with a real system.


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